We became a family 4 years ago today. Bey and I were not able to be together today on this special day. But we are planning a celebration when we are reunited.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Happy Anniversary IPG, Bey and SD
Posted by IPG at 9:28 PM 4 Mad Ramblings
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Nearly Wordless Wednesday

Ghost Hunters the show took pictures and saw spirits in this mirror. I saw the picture, but I am not sure if I saw the spirits. :)

Also in the Museum Club a man shot himself in front of this fireplace. His ghost is rumored to still haunt the establishment.
Tonight we are in the Hotel Monte Vista in the Bob Hope Suite (trust me it sounds WAY nicer than it is). LOL here are some pics of our trip so far.
Posted by IPG at 7:30 PM 4 Mad Ramblings
Monday, July 27, 2009
Two Years
My precious dog Barrett died 2 years ago today. The good news is that as soon as we purchase our new home we will be getting a replacement Barrett. We are buying a dog from the same active bloodline in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia.
Posted by IPG at 11:18 PM 3 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Barrett
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Some party pics
Some fantastic pictures of SD's birthday party. :) She won't be in glasses for much longer. Her daddy and I decided to give her contacts for her birthday. :)
I am usually a pretty upbeat person but life has really been kicking me in the teeth lately. Sigh. Last week it was one thing after the next. FINALLY this week it appears life is turning around for me.
So I am declaring this week a happy one. :) I leave for a short vacation with SD tomorrow. We are going to the grand canyon, and four corners. We are also staying at a Ghost hotel in Jerome, Arizona. Finally we plan to go to the African Safari place just outside of Phoenix. SD is excited! :)
The following week my best friend will be in Palm Springs, CA. We are going to spend a MUCH deserved weekend on the beaches of San Diego.
Posted by IPG at 10:54 PM 1 Mad Ramblings
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I am throwing a sleep over!
Tonight is SD's birthday party. There are going to be 12 and 13 year old girls squealing at my house all night. I guess I am in for an adventure. Bey was telling me how much he missed me, and how much he wished he was here. THEN he heard about the sleepover and laughed saying...well maybe I am glad I am missing out on those particular events.
Today has been one of the worst weeks in IPG history. First I am trying to dispute the charges on my credit card with the company that moved me. They did a poor job and need to give me some sort of refund. Second I have had work related drama that has gotten under my skin. Third I have had to deal with Bey's dad. I don't mean to speak ill of my parents. I know that we are called to Honor our Father and Mother, and I believe that includes our in laws. But Bey's dad is an alcoholic. He usually causes more problems than I can think of for himself. His entire life has been spent making bad choices. Forth Bey's mom had some pretty major surgery so we have been worried about her. And so it goes. :(
I am typically a cat. I land on my feet. One of my nicknames in college was Midas because everything I touch turns to gold. But at times like these I wonder when is this foot landing going to happen?
SD is having a good summer. She has been playing with her cousin and we have been planning our activities for the rest of her time in school. She is going to do some after school programs this year so she is pretty excited about that. I will upload some summer pictures and pictures from the party later!
Posted by IPG at 8:05 AM 1 Mad Ramblings
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Confessions can be hard
I try to keep the blog real. But sometimes I have to paint on a happy face where one doesn't exist. Case in point. IPG circa right now. I miss Superman aka Bey so badly right now. I need him. Every atom in my body aches because I can not be physically close to him. I need to lay down next to him and feel his calming breathe in my ear telling me how he sees our future. I ache for his kind hands to brush the baby hairs out of my eyes and tell me how I am the most amazing thing that has ever occurred on this planet. I long for soulful laugh as our eyes meet at the grocery store when we are trying to decide whether we NEED avocados. Bey, I miss you. Three weeks separation tomorrow is TOO LONG.
Before I met Bey I had been in love before. I had been engaged before. But I had never REALLY BEEN IN LOVE. I don't think the word was defined for either one of us until we met. Our eyes met, and we both knew. This was what we had collectively been looking for our entire lives. Bey told me the other night on the phone imagine if we were being kept apart by something worse than just his job....I can not imagine. I don't want to!
Come home...I miss you. I am here waiting.
Posted by IPG at 10:31 PM 4 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Marriage
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hello out there in TVLand!
Wow it is warm here in Phoenix. My parents just recently got moved to Atlanta, and I think that the south is having the coolest summer they have ever had. LOL wow.
We broke some heat records Sunday it was 115 degrees. AMAZING. Although I have to say you don't notice how hot it is, because it is not muggy hot you get outside and don't realize how hot you are.
I have been in my rental house exactly one week, and I am ready to be out! I am ready to buy a house and get on with the move!
My darling Bey is ready to get out here to be with his PRINCESS. Awww...this separation crap is for the birds!
SD lost her first grandparent last week. Consequently she has been with her mom, I will pick her up again Friday. work is work. :)
Posted by IPG at 11:07 PM 1 Mad Ramblings
Friday, July 10, 2009
Not getting political...just think it is funny
So I miss my husband. I want him to get out here. With me! I miss him so much. It is terribly sad.
Here is the funniest thing that I have seen this week.
Posted by IPG at 11:27 AM 4 Mad Ramblings
Monday, July 6, 2009
I believe that if life gives you lemons, make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party. Ron White
My furniture and all the other arrived on Thursday....in little tiny pieces. :(
I just need to vent for a second, but I left Mississippi with a house full of nice furniture, and now I have junk because of these sorry lazy movers. Thankfully my dad has been looking out for me. He has called every senator, state representative, the Department of Transportation, the attorney general and everyone else from here to Alaska. I do believe I will get my furniture replaced!
However enough negativity...SD's birthday is Wednesday. I think I am going to pull off the best birthday present yet. Contacts, and tickets to go see High School Musical the musical at a live dinner theater performance! :)
In addition to all of that work has kicked it up a notch on me. How that manages to happen when I am not paying attention I just don't know.
I am going to start writing again at the end of the month. Wish me luck for finding the motivation. :)
Posted by IPG at 10:06 PM 2 Mad Ramblings
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
“Murder is always a mistake - one should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner” Oscar Wilde
My furniture was supposed to happily arrive in Phoenix on the 22nd. So why is it not here yet? Because Nationwide Relocation Services Sucks that is why. :) My furniture and other items should arrive at 2 PM today.
SD is back with me while her daddy is working hard in Starkville to wrap up all the loose ends. I miss him dreadfully and want him to come home. HOPEFULLY by the end of the month he will be reunited with me once again.
Work has had the usual summer slow down. That is ok by me because I have been feeling particularly lazy these last few days. I have lounged at the pool as well as relaxed with my SD. My aunt is out of town so I am watching her little dogs. They are so terribly spoiled...the dashing Bey nicknamed them the Six Inch Mafia. :)
Depending on a few unknowns my BFF and some other girls might come into town to say HELLO to Phoenix. ;)