Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mindless Blogging

I don't often get to read books of my choosing. While I am frequently seen with my nose in a book, it is typically one of the textbook variety. However twice a year I get to gorge on books of my choosing (Christmas Break, and Summer).

I read lots of different things:

  • Non fiction such as personal finance, Freakonimics, and investment books.
    • True murder books especially about serial killers, and spouses that murder their spouse
    • Biographies on occasion
    • The American west
    • World War II
  • Fiction-
    • Trilogies such as Lord of the Rings, and the Inheritance series, OF COURSE Harry Potter, Twilight Series, and now I have started the new Hunger Games Series
    • Horror - King and Koontz and various others
    • Mystery- Michael Connelly, John Connolly
    • Bridget Jones style books
    • Southern Fiction
    • The bazaar- I love Chuck Pahalaniuk and Brett Easton Ellis and I don't know where they would go
    • Other- Nick Hornsby, Sue Monk Kidd etc.

I just have a few rules about what I read:

  1. NO starting to read DEAD AUTHORS. I discovered this truth because of J.D. Salinger. I love his stuff, but he is dead, and not writing anymore.
  2. No authors that give their books cutesy names such as "A is for Alibi”, Fearless Fourteen", “The 6th Target”
  3. No more starting new trilogies until all three books are out (I accidentally got sucked into Hunger Games because I honestly did not know it was a trilogy). I will probably have grandchildren before Christopher Paolini finishes the Inheritance series, and Brisinger was not all that great.
  4. No authors that have only published one book. This might sound elitist, but I don’t want to fall in love with an author and have them disappear never to publish again. I know that even if I find an author with multiple publications they could stop writing, but…I try to hedge my bets.
  5. No books that have been written AFTER a movie. That is the wrong way to do things, in my view.

At this time I don’t have any other rules, but this is my list that I typically work using. I am very excited that I should be receiving the latest J.K. Rowling for Christmas. I also hear a rumor that Santa might be bringing me a Kindle!

IF sage readers you have any book suggestions for me I am in a SEVERE book drought. I spent an hour in Barnes and Noble and left empty handed because I could not find not even ONE book that looked like I might enjoy it. So suggest away...I am listening.

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the Sookie Stackhouse series?