Down with perfectionism. Here is something I find frighteningly, maddeningly, dualistic about being an academic. Most academics I know are perfectionists. However in order to be a successful academic you have to let that perfectionism go. Funny is it not? Because I work very hard on everything I do. I do not like to ever do anything “half *ssed.” So I finished chapter 1 and sent it to my advisor for review. Not 35 minutes after I sent it off I am already going over it and trying to improve on Chapter 1 and not starting Chapter 2 nor finishing Chapter 3.
Chapter 1 is the introduction
Chapter 2 is the literature review
Chapter 3 is methodology
Chapter 4 is data analysis
Chapter 5 is the conclusion/discussion
Chapter 3 is closely related to Chapter 1. It makes sense for me to write it as such. Chapter 2 although closely related is more time consuming and is grounded in theory rather than my study in general. So I have been writing my dissertation Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 2 etc. However I want to go back and massage Chapter 1 and make it better.
This insanity must stop. It is time to say “good enough.” Rather than “it has to be perfect.” Otherwise I might never finish. Rather than being Dr. IPG I will forever be ABD IPG. That is unacceptable so “Good Enough” it is!
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