Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Performance, and performance alone, dictates the predator in any food chain." SEAL Team saying

I am now ABD!

Officially admitted into candidacy! Ph. d. here I come.

The good:

  • My presentation looked AWESOME.
  • I had answers for every question.
  • I got several compliments on my writing and research skills.
  • oh yeah and I passed!!!!!

The bad:
  • One of my committee members is clearly clueless and kept asking pointless questions the entire time and wanting changes just because they didn't like it that I use words like juxtaposition, myriad, plethora, leviathan. Number one I talk like that in real life. Number two if you don't get to use your 50 cent words in your dissertation when can you use them?
  • I have to make minor changes in my survey.

The ugly:
  • Well this isn't ugly...but I completely refrained from making faces, throwing a chair, or throttling above mentioned committee member.
  • I have to do structural equation modeling which I was avoiding like the plague...I know it will make my study better, but I just wanted to go the short way!

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

WoooooooooooHoooooooooo CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! oh yeah -- I wanna see pix from the trip!!!