Sunday, April 26, 2009

From the outside looking in you can never understand it. From the inside looking out you can never explain it. Sorority Quote

I had a sorority impromptu reunion last night. A friend of mine's husband is in Iraq, and she has been living in Alabama for a year now. So we decided to get together in Montgomery before her man gets home, and I move to Phoenix. Apparently last night I started calling Arizona...IPGZona (with my real name substituted for IPG...)...(yes I am that self centered). This morphed into a celebration of another friend's birthday, and meeting up with another sorority sister. The night was awesome! Just enough nostalgic cheesiness....the perfect amount of conversation. Here is how the evening went.

Squeal...Hug....Squeal...Hug Hug...Squeal
"The necklace..."
"The Strutting Duck"
"The trash can"
"That guy you dated that we all hated..."
"That guy YOU dated that we all hated..."
"Do you remember that guy?"
"Having so and so's dad kicked out of the stadium...."

And on and on. It was great. We got to talk and remember some of my most cherished memories at Auburn. To my dear sister's and friend's credit they included my husband in every conversation explaining to him as much back story as the memory required.

In this particular group of friends me and my friend's brother were always called the babies. It is practically pathetic that the "babies" are now both in their 30's. At one point during the night we realized that very few of the stories we were relating even occurred during this decade.

However like all good nights out....two great new stories happened. First of all when we were changing venues from one place to the next some kid yelled at my husband (who was escorting 3 girls at the time), "That dude is with all 3 of them girls. He is a pimp!" Yes honey you are. :)

Some man fell "asleep" (read passed out) in his chair last night. Being the kind souls we are we did not hesitate to take pictures or ourselves throwing gang signs next to him. At some point before security escorted him out some guy came up, and said, "Are you ok? Did you have too much to drink?" to the gentlemen asleep in the chair. I said to my friends in my mock sotto voice..."Obviously he hasn't had too much to drink. People routinely fall asleep in loud crowded restaurants on Saturday nights with bands playing. I am sure it is just narcolepsy." This little comment earned me a dirty look from Mr. Good Samaritan.

0 Mad Ramblings: