Tonight I got some terrible news. One of my best friends has spinal meningitis. On Thursday she was rushed to the emergency room, they performed an operation and removed part of her brain. She is in a coma now. Her prognosis is not good. The doctor has said best case scenario she will recover, and be blind and in a wheel chair. Worst case scenario she will die. She lives in West Texas, and I would like to see her before she dies, but can not leave until after my comprehensive exams. Please pray for her family. Pray for her husband...they were estranged, and he is taking this hard. Please put her on any prayer lists you have.
Thank you so much,
Update on Beth 4:45 PM CST
They are removing the respirator to see if she can breathe on her own.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Please Pray for Beth
Posted by IPG at 8:56 PM 3 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Family
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Some Thoughts...
Sitting on an airplane it occurred to me that the long road to my goals are is almost complete. This time 8 months from now I will be Dr. X.
How will my life change once that happens? Will I slow down? Will I sleep? Will I start a family?
And I can't help but think that my husband's career will be heating up as soon as I get finished. Will I look back on my doctorate as "The Good ole days?"
Some things I regret:
- Not insisting that they negotiate my husband a job upon acceptance into graduate school.
- Letting some name jerk profs treat me like a serf for 2 years, and not telling them to stick it in their ear the first time they made me cry.
- Starting school the same year I got married, and spending all my time wanting studying when I could have been enjoying my husband, and our first year of marriage.
- Not going to Seattle on Spring break my year because I was too worn out because of school.
- Not exploring my surroundings on campus more.
- Taking my precious husband's love for granted. Thankfully I realized in time, and won't ever do that again!
Posted by IPG at 3:18 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Ph D Student
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
“What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.” Richard Wilbur
Hubby says this is what he listens to when I am gone.
I am going to miss him. :( Thursday - Sunday not too long.
Posted by IPG at 3:06 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Work
I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. Frank Lloyd Wright
Instituto Nacional de Migración
A quien corresponda:
Mi nombre es Ms. International Party Girl, soy maestra de City University en Seattle, WA. y vengo invitada por CETYS Universidad a dar clases por 3 días.
Vengo a solicitar de la manera más atenta una solicitud para obtener la FMN.
Gracias por sus atenciones.
International Party Girl
Basically please let me into Mexico...I gotta work. :)
Leaving for Mexicali tomorrow to teach my class. I will be blogging down there, because I get bored on my lonesome with out my more fun half! ;)
And yes I will be studying Studying, studying, and eating Chinese food.
Posted by IPG at 1:27 PM 2 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Ph D Student, Work
Monday, March 24, 2008
Some STUDENTS drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle. Unknown
A sad sad IPG is having a tough work day today. What IPG needs to be doing is studying for her own comprehensive exams. Instead poor lost IPG is fielding emails from students that did not care about their grades until IPG handed in her final grades.
An Open Letter to My Students
Dear students,
Why didn't you care when I lovingly graded your assignments with in 72 hours week after week? Why didn't you realize that if you don't turn in half the assignments you are going to receive an F? Why is it my fault that you don't have a backup plan, that your internet failed, computer got a virus, or you accidentally had your books delivered to your ex-wife's home, and she won't let you have them until you pay your child support?
IPG is a caring compassionate instructor that gives unbelievable leeway to her military students. She works with you finding solutions to anything that can come along. But even the caring IPG can not give you all A's when you don't bother to turn assignments in nor should she. What did you expect? What would you have IPG to do?
I suggest in the future you not put things off. It is almost always a recipe for disaster. You should also realize if you look at the syllabus a 50 percent is not passing. I thought 50 percent everywhere was an F.
Posted by IPG at 10:22 AM 2 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Ph D Student, Work
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Welcome Hayden~!!!!

I bought these socks. Ever since I learned that there were baby socks that they wear on their hands I have been all about them! "Check my socks out," Hayden says.

Hayden is all Frances no Andy (lucky boy, J/K Andy!!!) I love y'all! I can't wait until we can come see him.
P.S. I am up late....that is right studying. :) Anyway, in the background a National geographic show about Pluto is on. Did you know that the scientist that discovered Pluto wasn't a planet gets tons of hate mail from third graders! That is hilarious!
Posted by IPG at 11:13 PM 1 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Family
Life is far more interesting with a Chessie by your side!
I am ready for a new Chesapeake Bay Retriever again. :) It was a happy realization for me. It means I have healed.
My comp studying is coming nicely, and I am proud of what I accomplished! Happy Easter!
Posted by IPG at 11:47 AM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Ph D Student
Friday, March 21, 2008
“A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam”
My comps are coming up in 2 weeks. Fourteen days my schedule is all planned out. I went to the store today and spent 100 dollars on office supplies. It made me feel more prepared, and gave me a break that I needed. My handsome guy was off today. I spent the day enjoying him being here, but not being able to spend time with him. :(
I worked like a dog to get all of my work done early so that I would have the rest of the day to study. I studied for hours. My brain was ice cream when I was done. However I am glad I did it.
I am not going to spend more than five hours per day studying for the next two weeks. I think five is my limit. I worked up the calendar and it will give me plenty of time.
After that I have two weeks until I hear about my results. Then I will have to take my oral exams. I am not worried about orals. I am fast on my feet,and always have been. Having an attorney for a daddy will do that!
The other thing I have in my favor is I am an elephant. I remember every conversation I have ever had. It works out well for me when I am discussing conversations with my husband. He hates it that I remember so much. :)
I swear I am going to need Botox because of all this anxiety this test is causing. ;)
Posted by IPG at 11:17 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Marriage, Ph D Student
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~St. Augustine
These maps are fantastic! :)
create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands
create your own visited states map
I found these great maps. I have been to 54 countries or 24 percent of the world. I have also been to 47 states if you count DC which is 92%.
I obviously need to work on Asia, finish up South America, get started on the Pacific Rim, and then finish up Africa and the Middle East.
Oh I also decided Hawaii is going to be my last state.
Posted by IPG at 7:25 AM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Travel
Thursday, March 20, 2008
You can arrive at work here anytime, as long as it’s before 8AM. Andy Grove
I got an email today from a wannabe Online Adjunct she had several questions. I spent a long time answering her. So I decided to share it all here. She was worried about working and family.
I managed to buy and sell a home, move 1400 miles, get married at a destination wedding location, go on a honeymoon, unpack my new home, start new job, and start school between July 21 - August 10, 2005.
After that I had no problems managing my time.
# What are some of the biggest time wasters in your routine?
I have a system of lists. List A, List B, and List C: List A must be done today, List B could be done tomorrow, and List C has a due date sometime in the future. I also have a List D which is something I would like to do, but don't have time right now.
Every morning I get up. I take a shower immediately. I then eat breakfast whether or not I am hungry right then. If I wait to eat I end up lollygagging over coffee and food. I then get to work. I like to get up and be working before my husband wakes up for work.
I then tackle my lists. When I am done with the A list I move to the B list. Once I am done with both I reorganize the list for tomorrow. After that I am allowed to waste as much time as I want.
I do not sign on to instant messenger, and I turn my cell phone off when I am working on school work or work. This way I can work as fast as possible with out distractions. I also do not respond to email during this time. Email can be chasing a white rabbit through wonderland when you are trying to work.
# What can you do faster or more efficiently?
Several things I have found help me to not waste time. I work out at home rather than driving to the gym. It takes 30 minutes round trip to go to the gym. I can save that 30 minutes for spending my time with my husband later. Whenever I find a time waster I cut it out. For example if I go grocery shopping by myself it takes me 2 hours. IF I take my husband he rushes me, and it can be done in 45 minutes.
One thing that has helped me is I realize that a due date is only the last day I can turn an assignment in or grades in to students. If I do them as soon as possible I can work more efficiently. For example, I try to stay 2 weeks ahead on my classes I am taking. I had the flu terribly this winter. I ran a fever, and worked minimally during the time I was sick. I was able to not get behind because I always plan ahead.
When posting for a school I ensure that I post early in the week. I try to participate 6 days a week. However if I have posted M-F and gotten up early on Saturday to doesn't matter what happens on Sunday because my work for the week is done.
# What tasks can you delegate to family members?
My husband runs all of our errands except errands he can not run like going to the doctor for me. I cook meals in a crock pot or bake them in the oven so we can eat nutritiously but easily. I set up automatic bill pay on bills etc. to help alleviate those worries. Finally I have learned to say no. If I don't have time I say no whether I am saying no to my best friend or my mom. Learning to say no has been a freeing way to free up my time.
# Where do you have down time built into your schedule?
I am committed to being done with work an school at least 3 days a week when my husband gets off work. We eat dinner together and spend time together. I also go to church, and spend relaxing time on Sunday afternoons.
Posted by IPG at 8:57 PM 2 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Marriage, Ph D Student, Work
“Time is the cruelest teacher; first she gives the test, then teaches the lesson.”
I have often complained that I don't have a peer group. Most thirtynothings such as myself either go to a job each day or have children. I do neither. It makes me the odd woman out. However I met someone two days ago who has less of a peer group than I do. She is a widow and she is 31. Her husband died before they had even been married a year. It was the most horrible thing I ever heard.
I have always been independent. I have my very own drum that I listen and march to. But I didn't even know who I could be until I met my husband. My mind can't hold on to errands. I am so absent minded that I could lose my own head. But my perfect compliment he gets that about me, and he makes it all better. When I can't find my passport because I just chucked it on the coffee table, he knows where it is.
My heart goes out to her. I am going to bed. To selfishly warm my feet on the back of the man I love. I don't hold him enough, and time is so very precious.
Posted by IPG at 12:21 AM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Marriage
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
“Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.” William Arthur Ward
As you know I am a mobile worker. I teach as an adjunct distance education classes. It is my full time job. In addition I am a student. My obligations as a student weigh me down far more than my obligations as a faculty member.
I have taught my classes from all over the world. Including Europe, Africa, Central and South America, as well as all over the US. However I usually take trips where I am in control of the moving about. In Europe I can skip lunch and do my work. My husband likes to sleep in so I can let him catch a few zzz's or after we retire I can sit up working. Because I don't just work for 1 institution I rarely have any time off as mentioned here.
However my spring break coincided with my Stepdaugther's this year. I was excited. So we decided to take a trip as a family. When I say family I mean more than just me and that handsome guy that lives here. :) We took our daughter and his mother. We had two side by side cabins on a cruise ship. His mother and I had been on a cruise before. Hubby was a Marine so had been on several cruises...just not the kind where you don't work the entire time. Stepdaughter had never been on a cruise.
I was fortuitous enough to have a week that was light on the work side. However I still had to work. There is internet available via the boat. The boat's internet costs a whopping 24 dollars an hour. However they do have ship specials such as happy hour from 7-9 PM where if you spend 24 dollars you get 1.5 hours instead of 1. I decided that I had to work. It was the cost of doing business...I can take it off on my taxes.
I got up early the morning of embarkation. I did all of my work in a little less than 6 hours. Then we got on the boat. That took care of DAY 1 work. Total cost: Zero the hotel had free Wifi
On Day 2 I decided to take the day off because I had scratched my cornea and I was in a great deal of pain. Total cost: Zero but I was anxious about it.
Day 3 we docked in Cozumel very early in the morning. Hubby and I got off with the laptop leaving daughter and his mom to sleep and get breakfast. I went to an internet cafe and got all my work done that I could in 3 hours at (5 dollars an hours and that includes 2 cokes). We went back to the boat and then spent the rest of the day in Cozumel. I got on that night during happy hour and finished up in 2 hours. Total Cost: Fifteen dollars plus Fifty dollars plus the 3.95 set up fee. So $69 bucks for the day.
The following day we were in Calica (Playa del Carmen). The town is quite far from the port. Since it was Thursday one of my lightest work day I managed to get everything done in 2 hours during happy hour that night. Total cost: $50
Day 5 we were at sea again. I had to do quite a bit this day, and ended up getting up at 6. No happy hour then, but I wanted to be with my family when they were awake. So I worked from 6 to 8. Then again at happy hour for 1.5 hours. Total cost: $75
Extra cost: The ship had cellular service. All of my emails go to my Blackberry. I believe it was like 3 cents an email to send and 3 to receive. Since I send and receive about 100 a day. Figure an extra 15-20 dollars for email. However because while on the ship I could answer emails it cut down on the time I had to spend in the Internet cafe.
We got off on Saturday. I managed to work from home.
Here are the work hints and tips that I found.
- Do as much as you can before you leave. If you can get grades posted etc before you leave it will be more smooth than trying to do your normal work load on the boat. I tried to make sure I had worked ahead as much as possible.
- Read the ships internet specials on the first day if you bought an hour you got 10 minutes free. But you shouldn't have to work on the first day. Try to do that before you get on. By the 3rd day if you bought an hour you got 30 minutes free.
- If you have a blackberry try to not do emails while at the cafe. It is quicker to just take care of emails via your phone and not have to deal with email in the internet cafe.
- The ships internet is satellite. The speed is roughly fast dial up. So a T1 it is not. I highly recommend that not grade if at all possible while on ship. It took quite some time to open a document that I had to download. I did all of my grading that had to be done in port.
- Research what can be done in port. Most major cities have internet cafes. They will be a good deal cheaper and quite a bit faster than the ship's internet. You might have to miss out on an hour or two of the port. I just had my family sleep a bit late, get some breakfast, and get ready while I got a bit of work done.
- Plan the cruise for a slow week. I have slow times and terrible times. I recommend taking a cruise during slow times. In Miami, I didn't have a problem working because I had Internet at my fingertips. I could wake up at 5 AM and get all my work done before my husband woke up. It is quite a bit different on ship where there is not Internet in the stateroom.
- Because I am a student I planned the trip when I did not have to work. I think it would have been impossible to do if I had had to do schoolwork as well as work work. It would not have been a good vacation for me at all.
Posted by IPG at 10:48 AM 0 Mad Ramblings
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
“If it doesn't work out there will never be any doubt that the pleasure was worth all the pain.” Jimmy Buffett
I just took 2 Advil PMs. Hopefully I will be yawning off here anytime. This is going to be a patchwork post.
1.) I will be blogging about my experience teaching online while taking a Caribbean cruise this will be on Wednesday or Thursday.
2.) I will be putting up fun trip pictures probably Thursday or Friday.
The reason for the delay is I scratched my cornea, and I have a hard time staring at screen too long.
So here are some random things that have been on my mind.
A.) Am I ready to be a parent? When my stepdaughter is here I spend the whole time dreading her going home. My stomach hurts just thinking about it nearly the minute she steps off the plane. But I am not a real parent. I am the non-custodial stepparent. In the hierarchy of parents that puts me at the bottom. It goes mom, dad, custodial stepparent (in this case her stepdad), me. My relationship with her gets to be 2 parts friend one part parent. I have mentioned before how much I love this little girl. But it is really tough seeing her go.
I have often wondered what it must be like for her mom...packing her up all summer to go live at a woman's house that she hasn't ever been. It must be so many emotions mixed into one that it is impossible to describe. I know that I have odd thoughts when I am packing her up to send her home. Does my stepdaughter appreciate the things that only I can show her? Does she remember? Have I had an impact on her life?
But back to the original question am I ready to be a parent? I love her dad more than air. I love him as the piece of me that I didn't know I didn't have until I met him. I would love to have a child with him to be part of a bond with him in that sense. But on the other side. I like my freedom. My stepdaughter is almost 11. She can do almost anything that we want to do as a family.
Another thing...I forget that my stepdaughter has big ears. I forget and mention to her dad things that are not KID things to hear. Like maybe I am making a smart remark about someone or I am being sarcastic. These are not qualities that I wish to pass down. I always forget, and right away she picks it up. Let me give an example, there was a screw up at the airline on Sunday so she had to leave Monday. When I called to straighten it out they (Delta) said that she was going to have to spend the night in Atlanta Sunday night and return to Phoenix the next day. I patiently explained that it was impossible because she was ten. The girl then asked me if she wanted a rental car. I hate to admit, but I lost my cool a bit then; she (my stepdaughter) heard every word I was having with the airline.
Should we or shouldn't we? When am I going to hear a NICE LOUD tick if I own an biological clock?
Posted by IPG at 12:31 AM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Marriage, Ph D Student, Work
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Did I mention the Drivethru? - Weird Al Yancovich
I am home. I had the weirdest dream while on my trip. It was crazy. I woke up and it just seemed so real. I am going to relate it here as a play so that you don't have to read a bunch of "and he was like, and I was like..." I will do a write up and provide pics of my trip TOMORROW or at the latest Monday.
Dream Sequence Opens and I am having a conversation with my mother and dad.**Note you will be able to tell this is a dream because my mother rarely talks in this dream. Unlike real life! :) She and my dad for some reason have run a background check on my husband, but we were already married. I think this was because they were trying to see if the FBI would find anything. During the course of the background check they discovered that my husband had been married twice before. *He has been married 2 times, but the second time to me.
My dad: He has been married two times before.
Me: Right to ExWife then to me.
My dad: No his ExWife, then his middle wife. And he is not divorced!
Me: WHAT HE ISN'T DIVORCED!! (In all caps for obvious reasons).
My dad: No the wife is missing and he is listed as an interesting person in her disappearance.
(I am fixing to prove that I read entirely too many true murder crimes and watch forensic files too much on television)
Me: Well they are never going to let him in the FBI!
My dad: Yes but he filed for divorce after she was missing for 10 days.
Me: Where?
My dad: Maine (To my knowledge hubby has never been here).
Me: Do they have the death penalty there?
Enough of this ridiculous conversation. The dream took a few more crazy turns including a murder mystery dinner party I planned with the intent to smoke him out. It all ended happily with it all being a big misunderstanding with someone else that had stolen his identity that was the murderer. Anyway...I thought this was hilarious, and I had to transcribe it before I lost it. :)
Posted by IPG at 7:31 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way. Dorris Lessing
It should go with out saying but here it is. I have SENIORITIS like it is my job. I don't want to do JACK. This poses a problem as I have to study 6 hours everyday. It is fighting with my brain over and over and over STUDY! It should also go with out saying that I am only taking two classes, and I am the biggest slacker I have ever been. I might as well hang a sign on my forehead that says "For Rent." Maybe I will draw it on with my Sharpie. I also want it noted that I am not wondering where my iron clad discipline went? Where did it go? Seriously? I lost it somewhere in the house I guess and need to do some spring cleaning to find it again.
I have a 15 page paper due tomorrow. Wondering when I started it? That is right Wednesday. Paper due on Friday I started it on Wednesday. I guess though since I am hardly sleeping anymore than 2 hours a night now I have more "day" than everyone else. All of that is just an excuse to demonstrate how unbelievably lazy I feel. I mean I am working a lot, and I don't mind it...but I just don't feel as motivated.
I had several classes start this week. I am taking some time off from a few places so I have time to STUDY and maybe write my proposal. I know that I am a workaholic, but I really have my hands full. I want ONE FREAKING DAY where I have NOTHING to do? Is that too much to ask?
I got a nice email from Mike Huckabee now that he is no longer in the race. I am sad as he was my candidate.
Posted by IPG at 7:00 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Ph D Student, Work
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas Edison
I spent an enormous amount of time organizing my comp study materials. I wanted the material organized. "Dear Husband, stop moving my comp study materials. I know they are strode around the study in a helter skelter fashion, but I don't go to your office at work and insist that you clean it or move things around. If this behavior continues I can not be held responsible for my actions. You have been warned." J/K well sort of. He was a marine so insists on neatness. However he needs to leave my office alone or we need a larger house and I can have an office out in the pool house or something.
As I study for my exams I am finding the law of diminishing returns in full effect. I get tired of the material almost immediately after I sit down with it. This might be because I have gotten my days and nights mixed up with all this insomnia.
I had this weird dream last night. My ex boyfriend was trying to win me back. He was trying to sweep me off my feet again. It was a ridiculous dream. However he was trying to get me to sleep with him. I repeated I was married about 100 times in my dream. I even said it in my sleep. Even in my dreams I am faithful.
My mom sent me this today. Her mother psychic meter must be off because I am doing fine.
There are at least two people in this world
that would die for you (or at least give you a kidney).
At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
The only reason anyone would ever hate you
is because they want to be just like you.
A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone,
even if they don't like you.
Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you
before they go to sleep.
You mean the world to someone.
You are special and unique.
Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake ever,
something good comes from it.
When you think the world has turned its back on
you take another look.
Always remember the compliments you received.
Forget about the rude remarks.
Posted by IPG at 5:55 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Marriage, Ph D Student
Monday, March 3, 2008
The computer is a moron. - Peter Drucker
Well I suck. No really, I do. I had made a commitment to myself to be more "active" with my stepdaughter's siblings. Now granted I live 1'000's of miles away, but like for example I sent her siblings something for valentine's. I can do those small things. It is her brother's birthday tomorrow and no one told me. Now if I send a card it will obviously get there too late. I made the decision to get to know hoer siblings very simply. While her siblings have very little to do with me, they are very important to her, thus important to me. Simple logic really.
I have a unique situation. I actually like my husband's ex-wife. She was his wife while I was still a crazy hellraising party girl in college. How could I begrudge him that? They were divorced before I was even engaged (the first time, more on all that drama later). I think they were divorced five or six years before I cruised on to the scene. And in the great tradition of men. My husband was horrible to his ex; he is an angel to me. I don't feel smug about this. I have several rotten rat ex's that were demons to me, and angels for their now wives. Why men do this I don't know? But I have trained many women's husbands, so it is only fitting I got one of "those."
Anyway, his ex is nice. We get along. She has a good head on her shoulders. She is a good mom. She tells her daughter to be nice to me. She is funny, and easy to get along with. What isn't to like? She and my husband are oil and water, but I have an awesome way of handling isn't my problem. :) See how easy that was? My stepdaughter finds this fascinating (that everyone gets along). She wants us to be a TV family where no one gets along and there is lots of shouting. However, all the drama that was her parents divorce happened long before I met her dad. I am not some CAB (Crazy *SS B****) that wrecked her parent's marriage. I am just her stepmom and crazy in my own unique and hopefully endearing way.
I am staying up late tonight...because I am finally all caught up! 100 percent. So my handsome hubby and I are playing hooky tomorrow. We are going to spend two romantic week days together. Just the two of us. My course work is finished (ok ok not finished but wrapped up until Wednesday), Work Work is almost done. Now all I have to do is go crawl into my bed with my charming trained angel. Night...:)
Posted by IPG at 2:57 AM 0 Mad Ramblings
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Some Interesting News at MSU
The political cartoon that came with the University Paper on Friday.
The "doc" is making quite a stir at MSU.
He doesn't proofread his emails:
He has decided to kill all the daffodils
"Felder Rushing is a newspaper columnist, radio host for Mississippi Public Radio and retired MSU Extension Horticulturist. He can be contacted at felder@felderrush
I have gotten quite a lot of e-mails about daffodils being killed on Mississippi State University's main campus, including e-mails from students, faculty, graduates and employees afraid to speak publicly because of job security concerns. The relatively minor hubbub would be comical if it weren't indicative of a deeper issue.
This isn't about flowers. It's about a short-term administrator's inability to control whimsical personal urges and his attempt to "bunker down" when his orders are questioned.
No one is questioning the right of MSU President Robert H. "Doc" Foglesong, a former four-star general, to make aesthetic decisions related to the beautification of his university or his outstanding leadership and contributions to MSU and our state's citizens.
However, a number of people have rightfully questioned his horticultural judgment, and his underlings are falling on their own swords to cover for him in this silly, unnecessary debacle.
How many football fans would tolerate his calling plays for Coach Croom?
As a proud veteran whose family has served honorably in American military service since the 1700s, I am aware that few generals without oversight take counsel well, much less admit missteps. So I am not surprised that this one man's whimsy and intractability is laying waste so much goodwill over something this easy to correct."
He has decided to piss off all the architecture students
"This letter is an open and public request by us, Mississippi State University School of Architecture students, for clear reason and prudence to be restored to the Office of the President at MSU and for the IHL to reconsider its decisions on the leadership for our fine university. We speak from the position of design-oriented students offended and appalled by the way this university administration has conducted itself over the past year. The cult of individual power and secrecy promoted by Dr. Robert H. Foglesong is damaging the rationalization of the university system that the democratic process provides.
In our four years at MSU, no other administrator has micro-managed the aesthetics and pedagogy of the university in the way it is now being done. President Foglesong leads our university with a dictatorial attitude that disregards and disrespects the views of faculty professionals.
Our School of Architecture has been under a barrage of intolerable orders from the Office of the President.
First, the president has demanded the removal of many student-designed installations from around our building, including many from previous years, that are exhibited for pedagogical purposes. Specifically, we have been told to remove student work from certain windows because they are visible from the exterior. Publicness is an essential characteristic of the pedagogy of design work and these specific projects were designed for the particular light that comes through these windows. President Foglesong's requests have not relented, even under explanation from other administrators as to the purpose of these projects."
Fifth, the immature and irrational nature of President Foglesong's replies to many students and alumni over the removal of daffodils is only an instance of a larger issue of belligerence and an atmosphere of fear. Faculty complaints about his domineering leadership style have been widely known since November (See The Reflector's article "Faculty Senate fed up" printed on Nov. 20).
All of the aforementioned instances serve only as examples to which we as students are directly connected. Many other instances of systematic oppression of those who disagree with this president are known to faculty and administrative staff. The irrationality being perpetuated by Dr. Robert H. Foglesong is inexcusable, especially for a president who professes leadership yet fails to recognize the fundamental purpose of a university as one of the few places left for open, uncensored pursuit of knowledge."
The school paper has openly declared war. Even moving the paper from MSU's web server to their own private server.
Two Facebook groups have been started wanting to "get rid of Foglesong"
Alumni and staff are writing letters like this
"There is one other large matter regarding your apparent attitude and behavior that I wish
to address. This issue regards what I think of as the "Agricultural Aspect" of the fact that
you have been appointed to head the State's largest Land Grant University. A leading
part of the Charge of any Land Grant Institution of Higher Learning is Research and
Education in the Agricultural Sciences for, among other purposes, the continued
improvement of man's existence and stewarding of our Natural Environment/Resources
for the purpose of our being able to lead better lives: both spiritually and physically.
With your obvious complete ignorance of the life-cycles of plants, as demonstrated in
your ordering of the eradication of Spring Flowers because you do not like the
appearance of their foliage after they bloom, I would find it not a far leap of the
imagination to hear that you have ordered the destruction of Grain Crops on the
University Agricultural Experiment Station Lands because their foliage has turned brown
and drooped to the ground at the end of the Growing Season, and you do not like that,
This crap about the flowers is getting reported in the news in Jackson (embarrassing)
Foglesong had to write a response and put it on his website.
Then there has been a blog created just to gripe about him:
Then there are the series of back and forth emails he has about all his crap.
This is an email exchange with a horticulture student:
Dr. Foglesong,
With all due respect, I am very disappointed with the lack of communication with concerned students and student groups on the subjects of the daffodils. I understand that the initial decision was made to improve the aesthetics of the campus. However, I believe that as the president of the university that it is your responsibility to address these subjects rather than ignore them. Students have been aware of this issue long enough that something could have been done if we had been listened to.
We formed a Facebook group this weekend in order to raise awareness, and it has already reached over 500 members with over 1000 more who are being invited to join the group. I have personally spoken with several faculty and alumni that are upset by the removal of these beautiful flowers.
Please understand that this is not our challenging your authority, but we do know that you are not a horticulturist or a landscape designer. We, the concerned, are those things. It is from our knowledge of plants and planting design that we beg of you to please stop the removal of the daffodils.
Thank you for your time,
(Name here)"
His reply:
With all due respect, this campus looks better than it's ever looked because we have a committed and dedicated landscape office populated with experts who have professional experience to back up their decisions. This university has been straight forward about out intent to replace/replant flowers â not just daffodils â not unlike you would do in your front yard when flower beds need maintenance. We spend most of our time managing a $500+M operation to ensure we provide you a credible degree that permits you to be a successful professional when you leave here. I wish you were as worried about the proposed cut in our budget this year, or the safety issues that concern us around the campus, or the infrastructure that needs replacing badly in many of our buildings, or whether we can help needy students attend our school, etc. I can't tell a daffodil from a dandelion, but I can tell you what our priorites are around here. Learning, research, services to our citizens, your safety, our campus security, and a lot of other issues occupy my time. That's why I let real experts make decisions about flower beds.
Of course that got all the Horticulture faculty hot.
And Finally here is the fight with the faculty senate.
I guess this goes to show that you can't run a university like a military base. :P
Posted by IPG at 11:30 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
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