Today I was thinking about my SD. I considered that one day she will get married. It also occurred to me that time goes increasingly fast. So I committed today to start praying not just for her and her teenage years, but for her future husband. Perhaps not just for him, but for his mother, and possibly stepmother too.
But more than my prayers for her, and him...I have my hopes. Not just for her marriage, but for her life.
- I hope that you grow up to chase your dreams, and that you know yourself well enough to identify your dreams.
- I hope that you avoid the temptation of trouble that you could regret.
- I hope that the man you marry loves you just a fraction more than you love him.
- I hope his mother makes him say "M'am"
- I hope that you love one another with epic proportions. After knowing your father for 5 years, he is still oxygen to me. When I look at his back he resembles Michelangelo's David. His sweet smile, is all I need for my breath to catch in my throat. And it is possible if you find the right person for that to continue forever. My parents still love each other like that even after nearly 40 years.
- I hope that you major in something at college that will give you a career that you love and not just a job.
- I hope that you drive safely at 15, 16 so that you make it to college.
- I hope that you love to travel like I do. And we can take on the world together.
0 Mad Ramblings:
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