Saturday, August 9, 2008

“I'm thankful for every moment.” Al Green

SD left VERY early this morning. I have not been back to sleep since she left so I am very very tired. I miss SD very much. The house is not quite the same with out here. However today I also enjoyed spending some adult time with her daddy.

One thing her dad and I love to do is dirty dance in the living room. I don't mean dirty dance as in bump and grind. More slow dance to Al Green, Marvin Gaye etc. It is something we have always done, and I believe that it truly keeps the romance alive. Since this is not the type of thing we need or want an audience was nice to do. I guess this is odd to say, but HH and I both feel that white hot spark you have for someone when the relationship is brand new. After 5 years together we still have a fresh romance spark.

While I miss SD miserably, having such a warm day with her dad makes me grateful. I missed this closeness with her daddy. I don't ever want her to feel left out. I always keep her included. So I am glad we planned this special day today...a chance to reconnect and keep me from feeling so blue that she is gone.

0 Mad Ramblings: