Monday, September 22, 2008

If you are lucky enough to live by the water you’re lucky enough! Anon

As I was sitting out talking on the phone and reminiscing with a friend of mine who lives in London for now…the otter swam up climbed out of the lake, and ate a little snack on the shore. I remember thinking oh my! I am so blessed. I love being able to watch the critters every day.

Dissertation news? Not much although I have been writing daily. I have committed to at least that much. At least I am getting that much accomplished…I guess I should say.

Work? Well work is work. I am pretty busy and should be busier still in the month of October. =) All good news for me. When you don't work you don't eat in our house ;)

Anything else? Nothing clever today. I had a great weekend with my husband. One of those fantastic times when you realize once again why we got married. Why he is my best friend.

0 Mad Ramblings: