The original paint color was black. However we decided to go for an Auburn theme! Proud of you Bey! You did an amazing job.

It is so exciting that Auburn is going to be playing here tomorrow. I literally get to drive 15 minutes to see the game! I am so stoked about this. I love watching the Auburn Tigers play. It is also a night game, so I am pretty excited about that.
Tonight we are going to this live outdoor party and concert called Bulldog Bash. I love how excited hubby gets about these events. It is like he is getting to experience what it is like to go to school at a small college town. Hubby graduated from a commuter school.
There were runs on gas here this evening. People were going nuts about gas. I think maybe the stations turned off their pumps so that they could charge more tomorrow. But we didn't need much! So hubby and I gassed up!
Chapter 1 is done. I met with my advisor and she gave me some pointers, but they were easy changes! I got them finished, and now I am feeling a bit accomplished. She said that I can propose in October. She also told me to start writing around the clock. But I am ecstatic! Proposing in October means I am on track to graduate in May. Everyone will be calling my Dr. IPG before I know it.
I signed up for this program at MSU. I am doing Women and weights. I used to lift every day. We had to meet for a little assessment today, and I did the most push ups of any of the other girls. YES! It doesn't matter though. I can lift daily and I still won't get strong. I can get cut, but I won't be strong. At my best I only maxed 90 lbs on the bench. ha! I don't care though this should be really fun! Anyway, I signed up at the beginning of the semester, but our first work out week is not until next week. Which I think is Weird. Why did I have to sign up back in August then?
2 Mad Ramblings:
Didn't someone say "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!" Sexist bastard no doubt, who now lives in Las Cruces and sells cars however I do believe there was a point. Seems to me that Chapt One is a giant leap. I'm proud of you (course that ain't nothin new either!
Have I mentioned that I love you?
I know I have but I really mean it.
3 ad infinitum for you! 3 ad nausea.
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