Bey and I will be separated for the next month as he works out his notice in Mississippi while I get settled here. I am going to join the Junior League and my sorority alumni group as well as the Auburn Alum group.
Do I miss my man? Absolutely with all my heart. I think I am going to have to sue the moving company that is moving us out here. They haven't even left Memphis yet. It is a good thing that I have a sweet daddy that doesn't mind being my lawyer for free. My mom is annoyed, but my dad is stepping up to the plate. If my stuff doesn't leave Memphis tomorrow my attorney is going to get busy for me. Thank you daddy. It is mighty nice when you have an attorney that works for you for free. ;)
My gorgeous man and I looked at a house tomorrow. It is fantastic. We might put an offer in on Monday depending on a few things.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
You can take the girl out of the South....
Posted by IPG at 10:33 PM 0 Mad Ramblings
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Finally Made It and the past few week's break down
It was a hot long drive from Mississippi to El Paso, but the Zamora family made it. We had one casualty a fis that did NOT make it. My hubby and I decided to drive two of our vehicles and haul our boat.
We made it to Phoenix late on Sunday. Monday meant a cajillion errands for getting the new rental set up. SD loves the new rental house. Our old house closed in Mississippi on Monday as well. We are no longer home owners.
There are no homes for sale where we want to buy right now. So we aer playing the increasingly fun waiting game. :( We are staying at my aunt's. Her home is lovely and has all the luxury touches in a home. SD loves my aunt's house...mostly because my aunt is spoiling her rotten.
Father's day was a drive, but we celebrated with Bey and let hime know how much we appreciated him. He leaves on Sunday, and it is going to be so hard being apart for a month.
Bey's birthday was yesterday, and we celebrated in style. I even managed to get out and get him a gift he actually wanted.
I am crushingly behind on work which is why I am up at 5 AM getting my work done. :( I keep getting phone calls at 5 from students and schools on Eastern time. I really would appreciate if that would stop. Sigh.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hola from El Paso
I am driving across the country! Right now I am in Texas. :) I should be in Phoenix tonight!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by IPG at 11:02 AM 0 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Moving
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Moving day
Moving is stressful...moving is super stressful when the movers don't show up until 6 PM. DAY 1
Posted by IPG at 4:10 PM 1 Mad Ramblings
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Out of the mouths of babes
Two fantastic SDisms....
1.) With your bangs you look like a 26 year old named Candi with an I....maybe I need to change professions.
2.) Stepmoms are always younger than the moms and the dads. That is a proven fact!
Don't kids say hysterical things? Tomorrow is my last Friday in Starkville. :(
Posted by IPG at 10:35 PM 1 Mad Ramblings
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What day is it? Where am I?
I have been too tired to grope with the meaning of life lately. Now I am falling asleep over pizza cause I am sooooo unbelievably tired. It is incredible really. I am beat. Packing, working, being a mom...busy stuff.
Here is the update...I got a new job...yeah like I needed a new job. My computer crashed so I am using my hubby's laptop. (He probably likes Obama better than me right now). He is not only out a laptop...but in addition...I am making him fix my laptop.
SD is reading up a storm. Walking around with a book in her nose. She is so ambitious in her reading pursuits. Yeah!
And on the conference call today...pompous jerk that thinks he knows everything, and insists on spewing information left and right such as "His daughter is a nude model." I don't care please shut up so I can get off this conference call.
Wanted some sane folks to participate in conference calls.
Posted by IPG at 8:31 PM 1 Mad Ramblings
Monday, June 8, 2009
Moving Gumbo
Bey and I are going to have to rent for a few months in
Second I want the perfect house. Not just any house, and the perfect house is not on the market yet. :0) So I am going to have to get a rental until at least October after the perfect house has been foreclosed on and is available for sale. Until then we will have a cute rental and tons of boxes that won’t be unpacked.
In other family news…Bey is joining the Navy Reserves. That is exciting. They are giving him a straight commission so he will only have to spend 2 weeks training in
SD is in Bible school this week at church. I felt so bad for her because her summer stay this year is so short she will not be able to go to all her camps that I usually enroll her in, such as Dandy Doodlez. The camps are usually several times during the summer, but she is only going to be here for Bible school. I will probably look for some camps in
Project pack this family up and get them moved is going well. I put a big schedule of everyone’s jobs on the fridge and it has worked like magic. Bey and SD surprised me with how much they had already packed up when I got home from my house hunting mission. My maids tell me I am spoiled, and I don’t say anything because how can I respond? I know I am spoiled. >:)
If you are wondering what is going on with work…I am slowing down a touch next month as happens every summer. However I am going to try to pick up some on ground classes as soon as I get to
One thing we are doing about the move that should be fun is staying with friends and family along the way. We have friends in
Finally I have started working on my dissertation again. FINALLY. :) It is coming along although not as quickly as I would like. And that is understandable because I have lots of crazy stuff going on in my life.
Posted by IPG at 7:28 AM 1 Mad Ramblings
Labels: Family, Marriage, Moving, Ph D Student, Pictures, Work
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I don't mean to brag...
But I was featured as the Stepmom of the month to spotlight on Stepmother's milk.
It is a blog that I follow written by best selling author Izzy Rose.
I am Ms. June. :) You can read the interview here.

Posted by IPG at 7:32 PM 1 Mad Ramblings