Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What day is it? Where am I?

I have been too tired to grope with the meaning of life lately. Now I am falling asleep over pizza cause I am sooooo unbelievably tired. It is incredible really. I am beat. Packing, working, being a mom...busy stuff.

Here is the update...I got a new job...yeah like I needed a new job. My computer crashed so I am using my hubby's laptop. (He probably likes Obama better than me right now). He is not only out a laptop...but in addition...I am making him fix my laptop.

SD is reading up a storm. Walking around with a book in her nose. She is so ambitious in her reading pursuits. Yeah!

And on the conference call today...pompous jerk that thinks he knows everything, and insists on spewing information left and right such as "His daughter is a nude model." I don't care please shut up so I can get off this conference call.

Wanted some sane folks to participate in conference calls.

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

That is precisely why I despise conference calls!! Well on second thought it's still better than meetings. At least with conference calls I can mute the phone so no one can hear me typing on the keyboard -- I actually get a lot done during conference calls.

Good deal on the new job! When does it begin (or has it already)? More training involved?