Saturday, September 5, 2009

"My wings are a thousand books." — Gill Robb Wilson

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am blogging via the airplane. I got a coupon for free Wifi on board. And of course I so used it!!! Whoot! Fun stuff! I am blogging and flying.

I am en route to Atlanta. SUPPOSEDLY our flight is oversold by 13 seats if everyone shows. We are going to give up our seats and get 750 bucks and an upgrade to first class tomorrow if that is true. The best part though is that Bey is in Atlanta and I could stay at my parents. YEAH!!!!

I really hope we get bumped because I want the 750 bucks and I want to see Bey and the 'rents.

1 Mad Ramblings:

La Belle Mere said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!! How on earth do they overbook a flight by 13 people??!!