Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Book review of The Package Deal: My (not-so) Glamorous Transition from Single Gal to Instant Mom

Book review of The Package Deal: My (not-so) Glamorous Transition from Single Gal to Instant Mom

I saw this book after reading Izzy’s blog, and was so happy that there was a kindle version. I downloaded it immediately and read it without putting it down until it was finished. In fact at one point I had to stop, plug the kindle in, and keep reading.

This book is powerfully written. As a stepmom myself I found myself identifying with the main character on more than a few occasions. From her struggle to maintain her relationship with her husband to her relocation to another part of the country this character spoke to me. The transition her life took after she got married put her in a tailspin as everything was different. I laughed at some of the predicaments that she had to put up with…”Putting up with man smell in the house.” I cried at other parts…her wedding and when her young stepson chose to go live with his mom. I felt like her sister when she described her first mother’s day. It was very similar to my first mother’s day, and I was very much conflicted by the avalanche of emotions I felt.

I have something else in common with the author I have no bio kids myself. It makes the challenge from being a carefree girl in the city to wife and mother of 2 boys in the south especially exciting and challenging.

I was even jealous that she got to live in Austin. One of my most favorite places in the world. I am an avid reader and probably read over 200 books a year. I have a criteria system that I use to rate books, and part of the criteria is whether or not I would like to go to lunch with the author. I identified so well with this story I already feel like the author is my friend. I hope that there is another book in Izzy because I want to be the first to read it.

One other thing I liked about this book is that she didn’t make it all about the bio mom and the struggles that can happen in a blended family. I think so often blended families get caught in that rat trap. This book was about her experiences as a stepmom and her relationship to her husband.

The author also realized her career calling because of her experiences as a stepmom. I think that puts such a positive spin on situations that usually only get negative attention! What an inspiration for us all!

This book is for you if you are a stepparent or you want to know what it is like to have to walk in the shoes of a stepparent. It also shows you that blended families do not have to mean fighting and court battles that everyone can get along and work out the issues that come up as close to amicably as possible.

Unfortunately for me I have no friends that are stepmoms. If I ever have a chance to make some…I intend to buy them this book. They are going to need it!

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Under your aptly put title for my comments, I can only add that famous quote by someoe far smarter than I: "Oh what tangled webs we weave."