Saturday, May 2, 2009

“Rock'n'roll starts in the legs and goes through the heart, then to the head. ” John COUGAR Mellencamp

This actually has nothing to do with Rock. It has to do with IPG the cougar. We had a nasty storm here tonight that caused us to have a power outage BEFORE I was done with work. I grabbed my work sundries and headed to the Holiday Inn Express. They usually have open access coffee...and comfy chairs in their lobby. I always ask if I can use their Internet since I am not a guest of the hotel.

Because today was graduation there were tons of guests. These 3 teenage boys were in the lobby. As I finished my work they were doing normal teenage boy stuff I guess. As they left one of them came over and handed me a business cared that said "Call for a good time 2nite" and then had their numbers and their descriptions written by their phone numbers "Hat", "Grey Shirt" hehe.

Hilarious....I guess if i play my cards right I can get a date to the prom! :P

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Ah memories of the day! Good times happen not just in far away places, but close to home as well.