Sunday, May 10, 2009

“Do not let Sunday be taken from you If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.” Albert Schweitzer

My parent's birthdays are kind of great. My mom's birthday is always near Thanksgiving and my dad's birthday is always near Mother's day. This year it happened to be ON Mother's day. At any rate it makes for easy remembering. For my dad's birthday I got him a football signed by Alabama's head coach Nick Saban. When I called to wish him a happy birthday this morning I got to brag that I spent yesterday socializing with the Assistant Special Teams coach for Alabama yesterday. You could tell he was jealous. :)

Well it is Sunday night and I have not heard from SD. I am pretty upset. I have forbidden her dad from calling her and reminding her. I realize I am not her mom, but as an active stepmother I am pretty upset that she can't even be bothered to call. Usually her dad reminds her, but I decided this year she is 11. She is old enough to know to take some initiative on her own. Her dad took me out, and bought me presents and a nice card. I am grateful that my husband is so sensitive to my needs.

***Edited she did call at 9:30. So I whined prematurely. :)

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