Monday, June 8, 2009

Moving Gumbo

Bey and I are going to have to rent for a few months in Phoenix. First of all it is the most fiscally responsible thing to do. I am many many things…but I am usually very fiscally conservative. We don’t want to commit to buying a new home until after this one in Starkville is closed.

Second I want the perfect house. Not just any house, and the perfect house is not on the market yet. :0) So I am going to have to get a rental until at least October after the perfect house has been foreclosed on and is available for sale. Until then we will have a cute rental and tons of boxes that won’t be unpacked.

In other family news…Bey is joining the Navy Reserves. That is exciting. They are giving him a straight commission so he will only have to spend 2 weeks training in San Diego and then one weekend a month for 8 months training for his job. SD and I have been joking around and saluting him all over the house. This is really an answered prayer as he was considering going into the Marine Corps. I really didn’t want him to join the corps. This works out so much better! This way we get health insurance, and Bey is able to look for the right job, not just take any job once we get to IPGzona. :)

SD is in Bible school this week at church. I felt so bad for her because her summer stay this year is so short she will not be able to go to all her camps that I usually enroll her in, such as Dandy Doodlez. The camps are usually several times during the summer, but she is only going to be here for Bible school. I will probably look for some camps in Phoenix…I will just have to see.

Project pack this family up and get them moved is going well. I put a big schedule of everyone’s jobs on the fridge and it has worked like magic. Bey and SD surprised me with how much they had already packed up when I got home from my house hunting mission. My maids tell me I am spoiled, and I don’t say anything because how can I respond? I know I am spoiled. >:)

If you are wondering what is going on with work…I am slowing down a touch next month as happens every summer. However I am going to try to pick up some on ground classes as soon as I get to Phoenix. There is also a school I used to work for that is going to bring me back on board once I get to Phoenix because they can hire from IPGzona.

One thing we are doing about the move that should be fun is staying with friends and family along the way. We have friends in Monroe, Dallas, El Paso, etc that we are going to be having lunch and spending the night with on our trek across the country. That way we can make the trip as fun as possible. Something that we have been doing in our home to keep stress levels at an all time low is that you are not allowed to snap if another person is getting on your nerves. This goes for kids and adults. :) If someone is getting on your nerves you have to say “You are SOOOOOOO Good Looking.” In your best Seinfeld voice. This has not only made everyone giggle it has added some festivities to the packing process.

Finally I have started working on my dissertation again. FINALLY. :) It is coming along although not as quickly as I would like. And that is understandable because I have lots of crazy stuff going on in my life.

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Glad to get the update. I know it's a busy time for you but have missed ya bunches!!