Friday, September 17, 2010

A dirty bird can't fly with a broken wing! Who dat!

So what I do is I make sure that everything is all in order with work.  Then I furiously research my little endeavor.  I am pretty excited about this new business.  I am ready to get the legal paperwork done so that I can get this business off the ground.   I love when I get excited about an idea.  I try to draw everyone in and get them to feed on my excitement.  

I was running around the house like a Heisman Trophy today.  I had so much on my plate, and I had so much to do.  This is not the first stressful day now that the fall semester is in the full swing of things, and I am sure it will not be the last.  

I am off in a puff of smoke to Hawaii on Saturday.  Family time!  I get to spend some time with the ‘rents.   
I need to take a second to Kvetch a teeny bit about my brother in law.  My brother in law was laid off in September, 2009.  And by February he had not been able to find a job in Texas.  My husband and I believe in doing the right thing.  We do the right thing even when we don’t want to do the right thing sometimes.  We both operate under the belief that for those God has given much he expects much.  And my husband and I are blessed.  We have a beautiful marriage, a wonderful life, a healthy (step) daughter, financial stability, fulfilling careers, our own health, a fabulous family, and an amazing home…just to name a few things.  Anyway, we asked my brother in law to come live with us until February, 2011 to help him get on his feet.

Now mind you he pays no rent, no bills, and does not buy food.  We provide all of that.  Generally speaking he helps out around here when we need some help, but not always.   NOW comes the whining part my brother in law cannot handle his business.  He can’t prioritize.  He is unable to accomplish what needs to be done to get ahead.    And while this should be none of my business this drives me INSANE!  I am not sure where my brother in law will be moving when February 12, 2011 rolls around.  But when he does I will be happy to stop worrying about folks that do not take care of business.

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

I come from a big joint family situation and used to living with people other than my parents and siblings. All I can say is that having my husband's brother living with us for 1.5 years was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. It strained our marriage and broke up a very healthy relationship that I had with my brother in-law.