Sunday, March 15, 2009

“I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.” Woodrow Wilson

I know that quite a few graduate students read my blog. I found this on . If you don't know what Post Secret is it is a living art project. The creator has people mail post cards that are decorated to him that have a secret on them that they have never uttered out loud. They are amazing. Honestly. Anyway, this secret encapsulates how I feel sometimes so well that I am posting it here.

This is the post card:

Someone wrote this as a response:
Hang in there getting a PhD is suppose to make you feel stupid.

"Research is immersion in the unknown. We can't be sure whether we're asking the right questions or doing the right experiment until we get the answer or the result . . . ."

I had to post this here. It reached out to me in a way that I couldn't describe. It also made me realize I had to reach out to some others struggling with their Ph. D. as well. I wanted to find this person and tell them everyone in a Ph. D. program feels like this from time to time.

Anyway, to the graduate students reading my blog. If you ever feel this way. Just know you are not alone. There is a Ph. D. candidate in Mississippi that feels the same way.

0 Mad Ramblings: