Saturday, March 7, 2009

“When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” Mark Twain

IPG has been getting her house ready to sell. It goes on the market sometime next week! Here is what is left to do:

  • Pack up the study (UGH think 1000's of textbooks....100's of folders....millions of papers)
  • Give the master bath a fresh coat of paint
  • Pack up the 1 trillion books balanced precariously by the bed
  • Restain the deck
  • Pressure wash the outside of the house
Not much. Almost there. No update as of yet on the IRB. I was hoping to get it back by Monday so that I could start my data collection.

Because I have proposed I have actually had a bit of me time. Which is fantastic because I have not had any me time in about 4 years! :) One of the things I was doing in my me playing Wii. The other is using my Amazon Kindle! I got a Kindle for Christmas but the back order was so bad that they shipped me a Kindle 2! I love it. It is one of the best presents I have ever received. Stephen King has a novella that is only available via the Kindle! THRILL!! :)

Bey had surgery on Thursday. He is healing, but not as quickly as he would like. I have been playing Nurse IPG...although I am not very good at it.

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've still got a lot to do and not much time! I used to have that kind of energy. Last time we moved (and fixed up our old house to sell) was 8 years ago and I swore I'd never do it again. Hope Bey has a speedy recovery!!