Saturday, March 14, 2009

On parenting, moving, crisis, healing, feelings and more

So the house is ready, and I got my IRB back on Thursday. Yeah to both. My husband is healing like a champ. I am glad he is a quick healer, because I am not much of a nurse. I haven't ever even been one on Halloween. :P

I am absolutely gung ho about moving. But of course now because I changed all my stats up I need to be here close to my Stats prof. So if the house were to sell I would be in a pickle. I found 100's of jobs for darling Bey to apply to so he is going to get busy with that.

I am either taking SD to San Diego, or the Grand Canyon and four corners for spring break. I can't decide. I leave Monday so I need to get that all hammered out here by tomorrow. SD keeps telling me she "feels like gambling in Las Vegas." I have a failed as a parent obviously. :) This is all my parent's fault. My dad taught her how to play cards when we took her to the beach, and they gambled with Reese's Peanut Butter cups. I came in from the beach to overhear this conversation from my dad. "The first hand is free. Each hand after that you bet or you don't play." I had to giggle because that is exactly what MY grandfather said to me. Only we gambled with coins. :)

I will be looking at houses in Phoenix while I am there. I really need some prayers. I need the stars to align perfectly so that:

  1. My dashing man finds a job
  2. Our house sells
  3. I finish my dissertation
  4. We buy a house
All in perfect harmony of time. My mom typically doesn't read my blog so I am going to take the opportunity to complain a tiny bit here. My mom has started on what I can only describe as a high pressure sales pitch to get us to NOT move to Phoenix. She feels that since she and my dad are moving back to Atlanta they would really like to have Bey and I on THIS side of the country. I can understand her feelings, but I have to counter that SHE MOVED to Pennsylvania and left me on my lonesome in Atlanta. Then I moved to Texas. I have been back south for 4 years. Just because she is just now getting around to head back south doesn't mean I have to stick around. Also she is an adult, and SD just keeps growing right under my nose. I want to be in Phoenix for SD. It has caused some hurt feelings (hers) and annoyance (mine) lately. My parents and I usually have a fantastic relationship so I am sort of surprised by all of this.

Ask me if I have done anything on my dissertation other than get my IRB back....if you said no fancy a Reese's cup?!

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Hurray on getting the house finished. Sounds like you've been too busy to work on the diss for a while. Glad to hear hubby is recovering well from the surgery! When are you starting house hunting? A friend in Phoenix just bought a fantastic house last week! The market is great right now!