Thursday, March 26, 2009

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr. Suess

So my leading man bought me an Amazon Kindle for Christmas. I got to test it out as my travel companion when I went to see SD. Usually I would have loaded up my bags with 10 heavy books, but this time I just chucked my slim line Kindle in. I love it. I love the battery life, and how small it is. I also had people everywhere stopping to talk to me about it. (This can be a good or bad thing). I was a in a particularly friendly mood so I did not mind. I carried 33 books with me on my trip contained inside my Kindle. Bey is going to be overjoyed next time we travel and he doesn't have to haul 10 books around.

I am once again shopping for some book recommendations. I read a book about an asylum seeker called Little Bee. I think I have mentioned here that I usually read garbage. For example I read quite a bit of fiction. I like feel good books. Books that make you smile. I sometimes like chick lit. I go through spells. Little Bee was not one of those books. It was a fantastic book that was based in the truth.

Chuck Palahniuk used to e one of my favorite authors, but he has gotten so weird lately I don't even understand some of his books. :) Nick Hornby, author of High Fidelity, also is one of my all time favs, but he hasn't written anything this year yet.

I am going to do a little shopping on my Kindle in a bit for some new books. I want to go ahead and mention that I am still a little blue about "my house" selling. So I will probably download and read some feel good chick lit...where the girl gets the Harry Winston, the 5th Ave apartment and the handsome man. What I really should be doing is running my preliminary numbers on my dissertation.

Stats or reading? Stats or reading? What do y'all think?

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