I wrote this list out as I was going through these things as a first semester PhD student. These are some of my very best secrets on getting through that first semester. I also wanted to add in hindsight the first semester is difficult and it sucks. You will be much happier in your second year. You will not believe how miserable you were, and you will not believe how much happier the second year is. Of course 3rd year is comp year so that is something else altogether. Anyway here is the list! Enjoy!
1.) Always start with a research question when writing a paper.
2.) Study statistics every day from the beginning of the term.
3.) Stuff assigned in class is not merely a suggestion.
4.) Never let anyone pick your paper topics for you.
5.) End Note can save you loads of time from the beginning.
6.) Forget about going out. Kiss your social life good bye.
7.) Don’t assume that your undergraduate students are going to study.
8.) When in doubt spend 10 minutes trying to figure it out yourself then go ask someone.
9.) Get a picture of your spouse for your office you won’t see him/her anymore. And you don’t want to forget his/her face.
10.) Save time by not feeling like you have to be “super” anything.
11.) Try to remember that being a perfectionist won’t work. I have to do work that is good enough, but not perfect.
12.) If I wait until something is perfect I get nothing done.
13.) Start everything as early as possible.
14.) Just because I have everything done doesn’t mean there is not still stuff to do.
15.) A study schedule is not a bad idea.
16.) Attend those workshops at the library they really help.
17.) End Note class at the library helps.
18.) Don’t be afraid to talk to other graduate students ahead of me they know what they are talking about.
19.) Daily prayer. I need it so I don’t kill somebody.
20.) When I am at the breaking point I need sleep staying up until 1 AM it won’t help. I need sleep.
21.) Asking your spouse for help is better than getting angry because he/she doesn’t anticipate what is going on.
22.) I need to communicate better with my spouse so he/she feels more in the loop.
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