Sunday, July 22, 2007

Happy Harry Potter Weekend!

I attended a Harry Potter party on Friday. I stayed up until 4 AM Saturday reading my book. I am such a nerd I was the VERY first person checked out with the new book! It was SUPER exciting. I woke up on Saturday and finished the book. I won't put any spoilers here but I loved the book. She tied everything up! :) I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan so this was a melancholy weekend for me. I was happy to read the book, but I am sad that it is all over.

We had a great weekend! SD's birthday party was great! She had a nice crowd and of course got lots of nice gifts. We also had a nice roundtable discussion about Harry Potter book 3. SD has been frantically reading the book all weekend so she could participate.

Today we swam and just had a family day. It was an Amazing weekend. Also my dog's health appears to be improving. He is more himself today than he has been for a week!
On that note I am happily going to bed.

0 Mad Ramblings: