Thursday, July 19, 2007

Juggling 1000's of glass balls

That is how I feel right now. I am under so much stress I have an eye twitch. I hate eye twitches. They drive me nuts AND I only get them because of stress. My well loved adored Chesapeake Bay Retriever is ill. He may have cancer. He definitely has a stomach flu. The medication we are giving him is turning him into a space cadet. Notice a 90 lb dog that is a space cadet is NOT a good combination. I know there are animal lovers and animal haters etc out there, but this dog has been with me through thick and thin. I love this dog. I am not ready to let him go.

Not to mention the two summer courses I am taking, my own personal health issues, work and other factors. Yikes. I am looking forward to the break. I feel bad for my poor guy. He is family.

I almost cried today when I talked to my DH. He had called everyone in the southeast trying to find Chessie puppies. He was worried the B man might have to be put down or die on his own. He was going to take the day off tomorrow and go get me a puppy. My heart just breaks to know how much he cares. Chessies are hard to find; they are not the most popular dogs. It warms my heart to hear that I have someone that cares so much about me. I am not sure that I would be ready to love another dog. No dog could ever replace this one, but the thought behind the gesture is amazing. I am loved by an amazing man.

0 Mad Ramblings: