Saturday, May 3, 2008

In Celebration of my last class ever....

Don't listen to me I am going to get a masters in Health Care from UT Austin some day! (Hubby says no, but he knows the power of my persuasion). Today was my last class as a Ph. D. student. I am doing the Last Class Dance! ;) In celebration our friends Deidre and Jason went to the lake with us! If I said we had a blast I would be severely under representing the type of weekend we had.

On Friday night they came over (they only live 3 miles from us), but they brought their dog and clothes so they could stay in the guest room. We planned to stay up late playing cards, and they might drink adult beverages. To be on the safe side they just decided to stay. We all stayed up super late playing Spades (my most favorite card game). Then I had to go to class! When I got home there was big breakfast in my honor! It was great because I felt like I totally deserved it. Also everyone had pitched in and cleaned up the horror show that was my kitchen after Friday night.

We then set out for an adventure on the lake! Actually it is a river, called the Tom Bigby River and parts of it are called the Tenn Tom because it has the Tennessee river flowing into it. I took tons of pics. (I will upload tomorrow because we are going back out Sunday. This way I can do two birds one stone and all that!)

When we got there the boat battery was dead so Hubby had to go buy one at a shop like 5 minutes away while we floated near the dock and pretended we were boating. ha! Then the guys tried kneeboarding while the girls too pictures and laughed! I laughed so hard today that my stomach physically hurts. It actually feels like I have a stomach ache. It was all worth it. But I gotta crash I am exhausted.

It was fantastic! We all had a good time! AND it was the perfect way to celebrate the end of my classes!

1 Mad Ramblings:

Unknown said...

Congrats!! I know it's a relief to finish that last class. You deserve a great weekend and this one sure sounds like fun!!!