Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Putting Voice in the Classroom

I have often thought that it is unfortunate that my students seemingly don't read my emails or announcements. Consequently their grades suffer.

While this tends to moderately annoy me, I have often wondered if I incorporated short snippets and announcements using sound in the classroom if students would react positively. I think that they might like the interaction that they receive as well as it might appeal to the audio learner (not sure if that is the correct terminology).

Think of how fast grading would go if I could just record a quick sound byte and upload it. Luckily for me I teach two sections of the same course. I have decided to pilot study this over the course of the next term (beginning in June). I will catalog how the pilot is going.

Hubby and I had a magical weekend. We spent so much time together just really enjoying each other's company. I know this sounds cheesy, but my hubby is my best friend. He is the person I would spend all my time with if I had free time lying around everywhere. :) I got some great shots that I am going to be sticking up. I always forget to put my phone on keyboard lock. So my husband carries it around in his pocket. (I declared this summer the year of the sun-dress, and have been wearing sun-dresses everyday! I wore nothing but sun-dresses the entire time I was in New Orleans). What this means is I had no pockets. But Hubby does. He ended up taking like 40 pictures in his pants pocket with my phone. If I was a modern artist I could have a show "Inside Hubby's Pocket" haha!

2 Mad Ramblings:

Unknown said...

LOL @ pocket photos!!

Here's a quick way to add wav files to graded papers and to discussions and announcements.

IPG said...

NICE! I love it! :D