Thursday, July 24, 2008

Is Now the time?

I have actually sooooooooooooooooooo much to say. I just haven't had time to do it all.

Only the highlights are going in this bullet point blog:

  • SD is getting Baptized on August 3
  • FBI recontacted hubby. Putting his application on hold until we get out to Phoenix.
  • HH got contacted by the ATF to test for a position in Phoenix.
  • Started looking at homes in Phoenix.
  • SD's birthday party is tomorrow! Tons of little girls spending the night at my home.
  • I was invited to write for a newsletter for online faculty. I am very honored, and think I will enjoy being a contributor.
  • 16 days until SD leaves. I am already dreading it.
  • My parents close on their house Tuesday.
  • NOTHING to report on the disseration

0 Mad Ramblings: