Sunday, July 27, 2008

"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." H. G. Wells

I have been asked to write a brief column for a newsletter that is read by online adjuncts. I decided to tackle the topic of plagiarism.

Hopefully I can do this on a semi-permanent basis as I believe it would be something I would enjoy.
I have been going over my article in my mind prior to putting it on paper and I want to discuss several things that I have seen lately.

1.) I believe that SOME students HONESTLY don't know the rules. How large a percentage this is ...I am not sure. However I do think that some students do not know the rules.
2.) It can be a tough row to hoe for online faculty to actually even navigate the plagiarism system the university has in place. And sometimes the faculty do not get the support they need when they have a case of academic honesty.
3.) There are new tricks to the plagiarism game that students bent on gaming the system have discovered.
4.) In order for a student to plagiarize successfully they must actually have writing and grammar skills.
5.) Some miscellaneous thoughts.

The article is supposed to be 500 words. I will obviously be posting it here as well. :) However I think I can cover all those details in the word limit! :)

Wish me luck!

0 Mad Ramblings: