Sunday, May 11, 2008

Are you mercenary?

I didn't say a mercenary...I don't believe you are a soldier of fortune. However....mercenary the adjective?


Function: adjective
1: serving merely for pay or sordid advantage : venal; also : greedy

If you can not say unequivocally yes to that question you might not have what it takes to get through the first few years teaching online. It is not like this great big picnic where you are the guest of honor. It is more there are 100's there to take your chicken leg if you don't want extra crispy! Since it is such a seller's market you have to ease your way in to the fray.

Why is it important to be mercenary? You have to be willing to do a lot of things for money. Some of these things are unspeakable such as babying students when it should be inappropriate. If you are not for sale, or if you don't have another way to earn income as you are developing you "portfolio" this is not the career for you.

2 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Perfect description!!

IPG said...

Thanks I was thinking the same thing when I wrote it!