Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

Sometimes my students seem to be trying to make me lose my hair. But I know they are worried about their grades as worried as I am about mine! So I remind myself that they work hard, and even if they didn't work hard they think they work hard! :)

I have been having too much fun to write. A serendipitous set of circumstances has left me practically on VACATION this week. It is NICE! I have been enjoying myself, and spending quality time with SD.

Today was HH birthday! Happy Birthday darling man. I love you more today than I have ever loved you. You better not ever let anything happen to yourself. I couldn't live with out you.

2 Mad Ramblings:

Unknown said...

Hope your HH has a great birthday but then I expect you and SD will see to that :-)

Vacation? I wish. Unfortunately I feel like vacation but my workload is saying otherwise :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I saw your comment on Online Adjuncting's blog ... just FYI you might want to send your CV to Park University's Master of Healthcare Leadership program. They might be looking for someone to teach healthcare IT courses.