Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why you shouldn't trust Wikipedia
SD and I updated 16th and 17th in the table to read Super Mario and Harvest Moon.
I wanted to show her why you should not use Wikipedia as a source.

I am sure it will be taken off!
So check it while you can! :)

2 Mad Ramblings:

Doctor Disillusioned of the UNIVERSITY OF MARS. said...

Yes they've gone. That's funny - but a but unethical. I mean, imagine someone unfamiliar with our culture doing their PhD research on traditional gift giving. They might now fail their Viva - somewhere in Eastern Europe, China or perhaps even Japan!

Still - serves 'em right for using such unreliable sources.

Reminds me of the short science fiction story where it's coach loads of time travellers going back to witness the crucification (oops a Bushism slipped in there) who are the most vociferous callers for Christ to be executed - with the locals all calling for Barabbas to get nailed.

IPG said...

I meant it to be a learning lesson for SD. She had written a report and her teacher failed to tell her NOT to use SD. Which made me mad, and I wanted to drive the point home to SD.
The best way to learn is by doing. She learned her lesson because she has been talking of nothing else....:)

Hopefully someone was not doing a report on American wedding anniversary gifts in the 16th and 17th year during the middle of the night on Thursday. However if they were my apologies, but you need better sources.