Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To be good is to be lonely. Mark Twain

Now I sit me down to write
Hoping words will come with out a fight.
If I fall asleep before I finish.
Find me a Red Bull and replenish.

Working on my dissertation tonight. Hopefully I am going to make some progress. I am trying to write one usable page per day. If my proposal has to be 100 pages then in just 3 short months I will be ready to propose. One usable page per day takes me around 2 hours. I could probably bump up to 2 usable pages per day and 4 hours, but at this point I am not willing to cut into SD's time. When she leaves in August, I will be full speed ahead, and maybe putting in 6 hours per day. When I say usable page, I mean a page that is properly cited with all relevant literature, grammar and spelling free. So that is why it takes up to 2 hours per day. Because I am not just slopping it down on a page. :)

Work has eased up for me. Although I spent this past weekend SLAMMED. I will be semi off until mid July. By semi off I mean all my work is only taking me 5-6 hours per day rather than 15.

Ok off to bed. I had to move my gym schedule around for SD. I don't want to be hanging out at the gym when she is awake so I am getting up every morning at 5:45 and working out from 6-7 so that I can get home when her dad gets up for work. This way I work out, and she isn't home alone. Ah the things we do for our kids!

I need ideas for 3 year anniversary for hubby. This year is the leather year. Any suggestions I am happy to hear them. He wants a new recliner. But...I want something different.

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm with you on the 5 hour a day "semi-off" deal -- it's a nice change. Good going on the working out early in the mornings. I used to be a morning person but not any more -- I prefer the late night hours but not for working out!! Definitely NOT!