Monday, August 18, 2008

Insomnia thy name is hysteria- International Party Girl

Random Thoughts

I go to sleep later and later every night. I get up earlier and earlier every morning. Pretty soon I will be getting up before I go to sleep.

My mom has the user name "GobamaXYXYX" for one of her accounts. But people see it and think she means "Go OBama" Rather than "Go Alabama" so she constantly gets IMs all week about her user name. I find that the height of hilarity.

I leave for Costa Rica on Friday. I just might not come home. What is the point really? It is so very nice down there. I could just...sell coconuts and pineapple. Perhaps learn how to braid people's hair.

I am having a plagiarism meltdown in one of my classes. 88% of the students turned in a paper that was at least 70% plagiarized. I will be filling out academic honesty reports until my hands curl up like the wicked witche's feet in the Wizard of Oz.

2 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

UGH about the plagiarism. For quite a while now I've been requiring peer review drafts before final papers (and I look at them too!) and tell students to check all sources (quotes and paraphrases). If they miss something in the peer review and I find it in their classmate's final paper, BOTH grades will suffer.

It works. Looking for plagiarism in a classmate's paper helps them learn what to look for in their own. And as a result, I haven't had to deal with plagiarisim in a very long time. (I also require an outline and annotated bib a couple of weeks before the draft is due and that counts as a separate grade).

I know you can't wait to leave!! Think about me while you're there -- I have four new classes starting day after tomorrow!!

Online Adjuncter said...

I have been having the plag. problem in my class too! Only three out of 27 got a passing grade on the first written assignment in my class because they can a. read directions and write about the correct topic, and b. not copy directly from the book and other sources. I even had one turn in a paper that was 100% plag. *sigh* Oblivously they do not get it. I decided to make it a "teaching moment" and just fail their papers and see if they do better on the final paper. So I only wrote plag report for the little snowflake that cut and pasted her whole paper. I have a feeling I need to get my typing fingers ready though because I will be filling out a lot more!

I have to wonder who was their teacher in their previous two classes, because the group of students I have is terriable. They cannot write, they cannot follow instructions. I don't know how they got this far. Grrr.