Monday, February 16, 2009

“I don't care if they eat me alive, I've got better things to do than survive.” Ani Difranco

I kind of have this little countdown in my head about my proposal. Here are some things that I have noticed recently. I used to feel as though I was juggling 1000's of glass balls. However what has happened recently for me is I have stopped juggling. Some of the balls were dropped...smashed. Some were merely placed away safely so that I could pick them up at a later time. I have been pretty much a one song juke box in 2009. This dissertation obsession is the only thing that I have been focused on. The other glass ball I have had to keep in the air is work. So work and dissertation are the only things I have been doing.

NOT personal research ....which by the way although I do not consistently talk about is a big passion of mine. I have several publications, and I have a few more in the pipe line. But this is a glass ball that has been safely placed aside.

My friends and family have obviously suffered the most. That is where I am going to have to apply the most effort when this process is over. I am going to have to get to know all the people in my life again.

0 Mad Ramblings: