Saturday, October 11, 2008

“Hell is other people” Jean-Paul Sartre

I am having one of those days. Typically I am gregarious. I feel like being around other people. I love having my friends over. I came home last night from Atlanta. I walk in the door…people here. I just wanted to take a bath…but for reasons unknown there is a turtle in my bathtub.

I got some sleep thinking I was just tired and some rest would improve my mood. However I was sorely mistaken. I woke up in the same mood today as I was last night. Frustration over my dissertation…that would be my first reason…other things I am not at liberty to discuss here also could be causing this little mood.

So I am taking the day today. I am taking it back for myself. I am kicking that dang turtle out of the bathtub. Then I am going to watch football. Auburn better not let me down today. I could really use some good news. After a full day of football I should be back to my normal self. If not I will repeat this remedy again tomorrow. Rest…NFL…maybe even a good book. I should be back to something representing normal Monday.

0 Mad Ramblings: