Friday, October 17, 2008

"Wit is educated insolence." Aristotle

I have had about all of the Y chromosome I can handle lately. I love my guys. Bey, guy friends, family, I love 'em.

But I have had my fill of them lately. I need some girl time. I need to go out to dinner talk about men and shoes.

I need to discuss the movie Sex and the City, and the relative benefits of Mac makeup versus Clinique.

I read a book this week that was so beautiful made me cry in TWO places. Yep definitely needing some girl time.

To remedy this situation I am going to see my friend in Jackson. Her husband travels quite a bit so we will be planning

one of those girls nights.

I am going to glam it up. Lots of makeup and hair…shoes that make my feet cry. Dinner and talking. I am going to talk

until I am sick of talking. I have been talking in my sleep lately…I am taking this as a sign that I need some girl talk time.

So hurray for girls! I am getting my girl night. No Y chromosomes allowed.

1 Mad Ramblings:

papabudda2 said...

Look at you. One minute overthinking things and the next going out with the girls! Does this mean you don't have to overthink things with the girls. Personally, I am probably overthinking things here however there does seem to be a corallary in there somewhere. 3