Tuesday, January 6, 2009

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!” Dr. Suess

The Suess quotes have to end...there have been far too many lately. However they have been matching my mood. ;)

Project boot camp is well underway. I am working hard, and made quite a bit of progress today. I have almost NO brain cells left after all the thinking I have done today. However and this is a big secret of mine, but I have spent a great deal of time writing research papers, and I have to define my research model first. Once I can come up with my research questions, and developed my research model my paper virtually writes itself for me. I automatically know what to write in every paragraph once I have a completed model. So the fact that today I hammered out my first version of my model means....I am well underway. I trashed about 45 pages that I had previously written of my dissertation. The topic was just one I was not passionate enough about to pursue. Overall I wanted to make sure that my dissertation reflected a topic I care about...rather than something I selected because it would help me to finish quickly.

Other than that I have nothing to report. While I have been working (classes started back January 5th) however I am doing a better job of balancing so far. Did I mention that I am in LA? The state not the city.

SD has strep throat and Handsome hubby is sick too. I am kind of glad I am not home. ;) I hate taking care of a sick man. The whole world has to stop for them. I get sick, and I am still rearranging furniture and painting the guest room. He gets sick, and he sleeps for 18 hours. Lucky me...this dissertation writing plan is working to my advantage!

1 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Amazing what a little passion can do for your work life huh! Come to thing of it.... 3