Monday, March 24, 2008

Some STUDENTS drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle. Unknown

A sad sad IPG is having a tough work day today. What IPG needs to be doing is studying for her own comprehensive exams. Instead poor lost IPG is fielding emails from students that did not care about their grades until IPG handed in her final grades.

An Open Letter to My Students

Dear students,

Why didn't you care when I lovingly graded your assignments with in 72 hours week after week? Why didn't you realize that if you don't turn in half the assignments you are going to receive an F? Why is it my fault that you don't have a backup plan, that your internet failed, computer got a virus, or you accidentally had your books delivered to your ex-wife's home, and she won't let you have them until you pay your child support?

IPG is a caring compassionate instructor that gives unbelievable leeway to her military students. She works with you finding solutions to anything that can come along. But even the caring IPG can not give you all A's when you don't bother to turn assignments in nor should she. What did you expect? What would you have IPG to do?

I suggest in the future you not put things off. It is almost always a recipe for disaster. You should also realize if you look at the syllabus a 50 percent is not passing. I thought 50 percent everywhere was an F.


2 Mad Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

I want to drop you a thank you note for your kind remarks about my post on unemployment benefits for college adjuncts.

I find your blog to be very lively and informative.

I imagine I will review your blog at soon.

I look forward to reading the new posts to your blog. I really enjoy your positive attitude.

The Traveling Online Teacher

IPG said...

Thanks so much for your kind remarks! I appreciate them! :)

I am going to bookmark the blog, and add it to my list!