Thursday, March 20, 2008

“Time is the cruelest teacher; first she gives the test, then teaches the lesson.”

I have often complained that I don't have a peer group. Most thirtynothings such as myself either go to a job each day or have children. I do neither. It makes me the odd woman out. However I met someone two days ago who has less of a peer group than I do. She is a widow and she is 31. Her husband died before they had even been married a year. It was the most horrible thing I ever heard.

I have always been independent. I have my very own drum that I listen and march to. But I didn't even know who I could be until I met my husband. My mind can't hold on to errands. I am so absent minded that I could lose my own head. But my perfect compliment he gets that about me, and he makes it all better. When I can't find my passport because I just chucked it on the coffee table, he knows where it is.

My heart goes out to her. I am going to bed. To selfishly warm my feet on the back of the man I love. I don't hold him enough, and time is so very precious.

0 Mad Ramblings: