Monday, December 1, 2008

"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." Oscar Wilde

After traveling for the holiday I returned home to cold grey Mississippi from the sunny southwest. I have in the past been slightly affected by SAD (seasonal affective disorder). The grey gets to me. I can’t stand how claustrophobic it can make me feel. I miss living in the desert. I miss the big sky and the sunny days 360 days a year. Life is all about choices. The move to Phoenix is much anticipated now that the grey is back, and a gloom has descended on my household.

I haven’t been on the blog much because I have been traveling for the last 10 days. First to Vegas, then an unexpected stop in Phoenix, finally to El Paso. I realized one of the things really missing in my life here in Starkville is a gaggle of good girlfriends. I have friends here, but it isn’t the same as the friendships I formed in West Texas or during my tenure in Atlanta. While that might seem strange, it isn’t really. I moved here as a married woman. Most of my friendships have been formed with other married couples. The ladies here I feel didn’t know the “old IPG” dare I even say the “real IPG.” Because of this I find myself longing for my female friends.

I have decided to put my dissertation on hold for the month of December. I just have too much going on. Bey and I are putting the house on the market on February 1. I have a lot of projects to oversee in between now and then. Because of that and obviously it is the holidays I plan to concentrate on my teaching, and on getting the house ready for market.

0 Mad Ramblings: