Friday, April 24, 2009

If it is your time, love will track you down like a cruise missile. -Lynda Barry

Lots going on...nothing going on in the dissertation front. I have reached a dissertation front funk if you will. I will start writing again. May 1st is that particular I am slurping down books as if I am never going to be allowed to read again. :D

For Christmas this year I was given a Kindle 2, and it is with out a doubt one of the best presents I have ever been given. I love it so much! I am a big reader so now rather than having 1,000 books laying around in various stages of reading...I have them all on my lovely Kindle reader. Also I can read the kind of trash I secretly love to read like "Bitter is the New Black", and pretend I am reading high brow intellectual drivel such as "MIS Quarterly." The Kindle also sparks conversations with strangers whenever I go anywhere...which is on occasion entertaining.

Last night I got to meet Mike Huckabee. I got to shake his hand and gush about how he was my candidate. Here is a pic of IPG and the Huck. There is actually a better one...where he actually is smiling towards me, but it is on my husband's Iphone.

I was particularly moved by some of his answers to the questions the audience raised. I am so happy that I got to attend this special event. So Huckabee 2012!!!!

And finally to my darling keep putting up with this sobbing mess that used to be your competent wife. I promise I will find that gregarious girl again for you. But just so you know...I would marry you again honey...even if my daddy wasn't paying. ;)

0 Mad Ramblings: