Wednesday, September 26, 2007

La professora no esta aqui

Ha! Today just has not been as productive as I needed it to be. SIGH. BIG FAT LOUD SIGH. Aside from learning how to do APA papers...I also got my program of study submitted.

I will be up late tonight. Working on all the other stuff I gotta do. My husband and I had words tonight. He accused me acidly of being a workaholic. He hissed it at me. "You are a workaholic. You work so much because you like it. Don't act like it is a chore you thrive on stress." I countered, "I am not a workaholic, I am just a type A. Type A's just work hard. There is a big difference." He likes to eat, and sleep indoors. (Not that we couldn't do that on his salary). But he likes to eat steak and travel. There much better.

This blog is cathartic. Helps me cleanse my soul and mind for the late night I am going to put in this evening. Note to self if hubby is going to keep this up...he needs to go back to school.

0 Mad Ramblings: