Thursday, September 27, 2007

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Mark Twain

Twainisms are some of my mos favorite quotes. I adore them. I judge authors by my desire to shang hai them and insist on a conversation after I have read what they wrote. For example, J.K. Rowling that new book had better be AWESOME or I am going to hire people to kidnap you and start writing Harry Potter again.

Plagiarism in my new department is killing me. There is a PhD student that turned in a paper that was 90 percent copied via the Internet. I have been emailing the prof sinlce last Tuesady about it. If she doesn't move to do something I am going straight to the Dean I have had enough. See that line? There is the line.

Other than hunting down cheaters. It has been a busy week. Hubby tested for the FBI today. If he makes it...I am changing his name immediately to Gman. :) I wrote papers and work on the general pile of stuff that crams my in tray.

Sigh I must go to sleep. I can't keep skating with out sleep. It is unfortunate, but I must be recharged as it were.

2 Mad Ramblings:

papabudda2 said...

Ah the value of a power nap! Ask an ol man. BTW who says type A's can't be workaholics? Only those who know you my dear!

IPG said...

Ha! :) I can't hide from the truth. Those in the know.. ;)

So what about that Iraq hook up? You know I am dying for a hand woven rug. Don't forget it has to be Beige. You know me. I only allow Beige things in the house.
