Monday, January 21, 2008

Be good and you will be lonely. Mark Twain

In case you are wondering this is my dad's trophy mule deer. This is such a nice trophy that the hunting outfitters showcased his picture via their website. I have more pics of my dad hunting in Africa...I should put them up as well. Anyway I was proud of him so I wanted to upload his pic.

My dad has invited handsome hubby to go big horn sheep hunting this fall. That is exciting. I know HH is dying to go. Soon my office will be filled with heads like my mom's. She actually also has a bear rug and a zebra rug in residence. Also in case you are wondering my family eats quite a bit of venison.

I am letting the time get away from me. Or I fear that I am letting the time get away. It seems like it is slipping through my fingers. (Believe me I am not is just that there seems to be so much to do.)

Today we decided we would try to start trying to have a baby in June. June is perfect. I should be done with my comps and working on my dissertation. Hopefully I will be able to write and make a baby at the same time. Hubby worries that if he gets into the FBI I will be pregnant with out him. He doesn't want to miss a second of it. He claims it will also be hard on me to be alone. Perhaps. However I want to be Dr. X prior to having any children. So it can't be prior to June. So June.....

0 Mad Ramblings: