Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hunting Season...Back to work

Hunting season is almost over. My HH went hunting on Sunday, but there were no deer out there. I feel terrible that he didn't get his deer.

I am back at work and in full force in school. I registered for 7 dissertation hours. I will be working on that little paper this semester. I also registered for my comprehensive exams today. I got my program of study signed. It is awesome that I am getting class to graduation. On Thursday at 3 PM I will be meeting with my adviser about my comps. I plan to study exceedingly hard for my comps. I can expect to start in full force by the end of the month.

Once I have passed my comps I really will be in charge of my own destiny as far as finishing this degree is concerned. I have officially been in school 2.5 years. I am READY to finish. I know that isn't long for a doctorate, but I am ready to be done!

0 Mad Ramblings: