Thursday, January 17, 2008

Guard Dog

This is a pic I snapped with a phone. My darling HH fell asleep while waiting on his leading lady to finish up work. I had promised to watch a movie with him. Guess he and our puppy decided to snag some zzz's while I wrapped up work.

I love you, honey. I am so happy to see you content.

So last night some of our friends bought us dinner. We were coming home. Key in lock. Our little dog Shug peeks through the curtains. I have this amazing fur coat. (Before I get a barrage of emails about how fur is bad let me explain. My mink coat was made in 1960. I bought it on Ebay. The minks were dead nearly 20 years before I was born. No minks died so that I could enjoy my coat. I am recycling.) Anyway, I was kind of flipping the coat around and the dog saw it...needless to say it scared her.

The key is in the lock, and HH opens the door. Our ferocious animal is barking but running towards the back bedroom. She stops, barks, looks behind her, runs a little more. I know exactly where she is heading. She is heading to hide under my bed. I call that place the bat cave because it is where my dog hides. What an awesome guard dog! Aren't you scared?

Burglars beware. The Shuggy is watching.

0 Mad Ramblings: