Thursday, April 10, 2008

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water. ~Carl Reiner

I am ok. The doctor said it and I believe it. The pain etc is all because of stress. Nice. Way to go body! Way to really support the getting over it effort. =)

School wise I am worthless. However I have been really throwing myself into work. I spent several hours today getting my work organized. I actually got quite a bit accomplished today! So tomorrow I have to do some administrative tasks I hate. I have to change 3 grades. I have to change these grades because I am too nice. I didn't just insist. YOU FAILED CAUSE YOU TURNED YOUR PROJECT IN LATE. No I let them turn it in late...then I gave them a C. So I have to change the grades. I hate doing administrative work like this so I wait until the advisors are swooping in via helicopters. Isn't that awful? Why can't I just handle stuff like that? I don't know...but I hate it. :)

The weather is PERFECT here today. I could literally move outside and stay there. I love how great the weather feels! AMAZING!

So guess what happens 2 weeks from tomorrow? 2 WEEKS??? I am glad you asked. I will be done with the absolute last class I will ever take 2 weeks from tomorrow. I kind of feel like doing something special for that. I can't think of anything that really qualifies. But listen to me, and believe that I am GLAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In a throw myself a party and eat lots of steak kind of way!

I can't tell you how psycho I feel about these comps. I vacillate between knowing I passed and scared I failed. It is really ridiculous. I just want to know. NOW. I have at minimum another week to wait. :(

0 Mad Ramblings: