Sunday, September 30, 2007

Things are finally right in the world of college football.

I had class ALL day on Saturday. It was a great class, and I learned lots! I am pretty happy because my Friend Natalie is in class with me. I managed not to stick my foot in my mouth during the class discussion! Ha! I also worked really hard at getting all caught up.

As I have said before I am going to Buenos Aires from October 6-13th. I want to be at least caught up so that when I leave I can at least 1/2 way enjoy myself. :) After I got out of class I came straight home. I had to catch the Auburn/Florida game. I have to be completely honest I thought Auburn was going to lose. However I was pleasantly surprised to see them come out kicking. Heck yeah War Eagle! Luckily handsome hubby was keeping the faith. He and I cheered Auburn on to their 20-17 victory over the forth ranked Florida Gators.

I know I have a few Gator fans that read here. So I would like to post a video for you. Do not worry. It has nothing to do with the game.

Lots of work today. We are doing one of those garage floors where you paint it with Epoxy and then spread paint chips. :) We also stained the deck. I am so proud, and so happy that our lovely projects are done. Our garage is perfectly organized, and our deck is protected for at least 3 years. :)

Now if I could just finish my homework. I would go to bed. :)

2 Mad Ramblings:

Lemmer said...

War Eagle!

IPG said...

War Eagle is Right! :)