Friday, February 15, 2008

To be able to be caught up into the world of thought -- that is educated. - Edith Hamilton

Goodness Gracious I read my posts for the past few days and you can tell I am NOT FEELING well. I had had had to go to the grocery store. It was all I could do. I finally got overwhelmed and called HH in a puddle of tears. He insisted I go to the doctor. My fever was high 103 and I was hacking up my lungs. Guess what...not just the flu. I have pneumonia. Yuck antibiotics for me. :(

I got to keep the pictures of my lung x-rays though. That was the highlight of my day. (Joking)! I finally got all of my emails going to my Blackberry. I am really excited now because rather than checking all 15 of my work emails now go to one Blackberry. Isn't that fantastic? I believe it is. :)

So my exciting weekend includes antibiotics. That should make for some wild nights. I have class all day tomorrow too. That should be wonderfully entertaining.

0 Mad Ramblings: